In 2008 I got a grant from Burning Man to create an art project to go in the tents around the Man.

I had initially applied for a grant to put this out on the playa, but it was turned down. Then, a couple of weeks later I got a call from someone saying they wanted it right under the Man.

I was stoked. I had submitted a model of the project with the grant proposal.. now I had to make it happen.

The project was a 4 sided pyramid with the Constitution, The Declaraion of Indepence, The Bill of Rights, and the names and mailing addresses of EVERY elected representative. Cards and Pencils were provided so that people to write what they wanted the government to here. Afte the burn, these would be collated, printed and mailed to every government employee on the list.

The pyramid was topped with the ALL SEEING EYE. The sound system played speaches, marching songs, and military cadences.

I got funds, and 3 tickets - 1 for me and 2 for assistants.

The whole project cost more than twice the funds I was given, but I had a blast. It was designed to fold up and go together with bolts.

Everthing but the bolts and the all seeing eye was burnt on the playa.

Unfortunately, due to an illness in the family, it turned out that the comments did NOT get mailed to every member of congress. They are however preserved on the web and can be viewed <a href=""> here.</a>

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Photo album created with Web Album Generator