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Novels Banned in the USSR for political reasons. Author was sent into exile.
The novel (One Day in the Life) gained almost immediate popular success both inside and outside the Soviet Union (it was published at the behest of Nikita Khrushchev who wanted to foment anti-Stalinist feelings). But he found it impossible to publish anything in the Soviet Union. His writings were banned, and he was forced to publish in Samisdat (underground publication). He smuggled out his novels First Circle, Cancer Ward, and the Gulag Archipelago for publication abroad.
In spite of the controversies regarding Solzhenitsyn politics and controversial opinions, “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” has had almost continual positive critical acceptance in Western educational circles. Its dark themes of suffering and human perseverance in the face of evil have made it a popular text for high school and college English courses.