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Uncle Tom's Cabin BY Stowe, Harriet Beecher

As a broadside against slavery,it is no surprise that this book would be banned in several places. It was banned as abolitionist propaganda in the South, and a number of pro-slavery writers responded with so-called "Anti-Tom literature." These novels portrayed slavery from the southern point of view, in an attempt to show that Stowe exaggerated her depiction of slavery's evils. The novel was declared 'utterlyfalse' by Southern novelist William Gilmore; others referred to it as criminal and slanderous. A bookseller in Mobile, Alabama was driven from town for selling the novel and Stowe received threatening letters, including a package containing a slave's severed ear.

Later, some readers criticized her for appearing to be condescending and racist toward blacks. These critics blamed her book for perpetuating stereotypes such as the "happy darky," the tragic mulatto as a sex object, the affectionate mammy, and pickanniny black children. People even began to label African-Americans who are too eager to please white people as "Uncle Toms."

The book was banned in Russia because it questioned authority (though it was one of Lennin's favorites). The Vatican considered placing it on the list of banned books, and one can see why with characters saying that the Bible can be used to justify anything. (Odd how that lesson keeps coming up again and again in history, but we never seem to learn it.)

Uncle Tom's Cabin has faced recent bans and challenges in Illinois schools and Southern States, and has been challenged by the NAACP for its alleged racist portrayal of African Americans and the use of the "N" word. Many people find the work offensive.

Published in 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin was controversial. When President Lincoln saw Stowe, he purportedly said, "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war." The novel has been been banned for language concerns.

Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe Novel Banned in the Southern States and Tzarist Russia. Challenged by the NAACP for allegedly racist portrayal of African Americans and the use of the word "Nigger".[14]

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