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All the King's Men BY Warren, Robert Penn

All the King's Men, makes the list, thanks to a 1974 challenge from Dallas.

According to Dawn B. Sova's Literature Suppressed on School Grounds, the Dallas Independent School District just thought the book, which tells the tale of Southern governor Willie Stark and his unsavory dealigs, just wasn't light and fluffy enough for some in the District.

Along with Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and William Golding's Lord of the Flies, Penn Warren's work was wheeled before the literary inquisition.

"They complained that the novel contained a "depressing view of life" and "immoral situations," Sova writes.

The novel appears to have survived the threat, as two copies are currently listed as "available" in the District's library system. The copy at Lincoln Magnet High, however, has mysteriously disappeared.